Photo of melcina rosas Panama

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Group and Individual Shows
Oil, Drawings and Photography
2007 Promenade des Artistes, New York
2006 1 / 1 Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Group show
Tandil Museum. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Group
Promenades des Artistes, Larchmont. New York.
Prada Gallery. Washington.
2005 Casa Gongora, Panama, group show.
Verizon Gallery, NYC, group show.
Manuel Amador Gallery, Group...

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Photo of melcina rosas Panama

Group and Individual Shows
Oil, Drawings and Photography
2007 Promenade des Artistes, New York
2006 1 / 1 Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Group show
Tandil Museum. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Group
Promenades des Artistes, Larchmont. New York.
Prada Gallery. Washington.
2005 Casa Gongora, Panama, group show.
Verizon Gallery, NYC, group show.
Manuel Amador Gallery, Group show, Panama
Promenade des artists, Group show Larchmont, NY
2004 New Space Gallery / Art, Panama, Digital image.
2003 Art Present, Paris, France.Group Show, painting.
Skylight Gallery, Brooklyn NY.Group show, painting.
The Times Square Lobby Gallery, NYC, Peace
works.Group show. Photography.
Casa Gongora, Panama, Individual show. Painting,
"Panama bridge the world"
2002 Museum of Modern Art, Panama.Group show
INAC, Panama, Individual show.Painting. "Panama
bridge to the world. "
African American Museum, Hempstead LI. Group
Exit Art gallery, New York city, "REACTION" Photography.
UNSRC 2001, Pacem in Terris Society, United Nations, NY,
Individual Painting, "Panama Pacifc Ocean" (currents
Of freedom).
African American Museum, Hempstead LI Group
show. "Divertisty"
NYC-NY.Group Montserrat Gallery show, Oils
"Variations on the subject"
INAC Panama, Group show, Oils "Women
Spirit "
INAC Santiago Veraguas Panama Group show
"Painters from Veraguas.
2001 INAC Pma., Panama Photography Individual show
"Walking through the Old Town"
2000 Queens Museum of Art, NYGroup show. painting
"Marathon Slide "
Colgate University, NY Group, "Global Art 2000"
Venezuelan Consulate NYC 1999 Group show "Encuentro
INAC Panama, Individual, "Vibrations Ambrosian"
1998 NYC-NY Gallery 84 Photography Individual "Hungry for beauty"
1997 Gallery 84 Individual NYC show, Paintings "Bottledup"
1996 Panamanian Consulate, NYC.Group show, Paintings
"Three expressions, three artists Nov. 3."
INAC Panama, Individual show.
Painting "Bird Tracks"
1995 80 Washington East Galleries, NY Group Painting Show
"Suite of Birds."
1990 The Art Student League of NYGroup, Drawings,

Benefits at Participatins Auctions

2007 French American Aid For Children, New York
2004 Santo Tomas Hospital, Panama City, Panama, wall
oil painting in the Permanent Collection at Lobby
2003 Harlem Art Project, Satchi and Satchi, Ray of light
Foundation. photography
2002 French American Aid for Children. Benefit Aucition
2001 Benefit Art Auction, Child Care Hedge Fun, NYC
1999 Benefit art auction, at The Westchester BE
Women's Club, NY
Tele: 1212 371 7265
507 66731051

Rosas Melcina

Artist born in Panama. Resides in California for six years while Pursuing undergraduate studies in Literature at the University of California at Davis.
Lived in Paris, France for five years while Studying at the Sorbonne and working at the Panamanian Consulate and the Mission of Panama at UNESCO. In 1985 Moved to New York Where She Continues to Participate with the Mission of Panama at the UN She Attended for Several years at The Art Students League of New York. In 1995 at New York University she Received a Master's degree Art Studio.

Art Education
1996 International Center of Photography, New York city
1995 Masters of Arts, Studio Art, New York University,
1992 Portrait and independent oil painting workshops
1991 Portrait and drawing workshops, Parsons School of
1987 The Art Students League of New York
1979 Figure Drawing, La Maison d'Espagne, Paris France tele 1212 371 7265

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